Paying off your loan faster isn’t rocket science, at it’s core, repaying a loan faster is based on increasing your repayment and decreasing your interest expense. However, we can deploy some ‘mind tricks’ to make that journey so much faster.
Mortgage Calculator and Helpful Tools
Loan Repayment Calculator
Use this calculator to estimate your loan repayments on a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly basis based on your loan amount, interest rate and loan term. Please note that these calculations are estimates only and should not be solely relied upon. For a more comprehensive analysis click here to schedule a call back with one of our Twine Advisers or click Get Started Now to apply online.
Extra Repayments Calculator
Determine the amount of interest and time you could save by increasing your loan repayments. Please note that these calculations are estimates only and should not be solely relied upon. For a more comprehensive analysis schedule a call back with one of our Twine Advisers or click below to apply online.
Break & Refix Calculator
When the economic climate becomes uncertain and the interest rate keeps changing, one of the decisions you need to consider is whether to break and refix your loans onto a new term. We’ve created a calculator that calculates where the rate would need to be in the future to justify whether to leave your loans as they are or break and refix early. It takes into account break fees (if any) as a proportion of the loan balance. Please note that these calculations are estimates only and should not be solely relied upon.
Schedule a call back with a Twine adviser to help you interpret the results and how this works in your own situation.